We can do a basic search on a Labuan company at the Company Registry, Labuan FSA. You can start with our FREE BASIC COMPANY SEARCH services. Provide us with the full company name OR its registration number, we will check and get back to you with basic Labuan company information like –
· its registered office address in Labuan;
· the registered agent (the trust company); and
· its current status on register (active/struck-off/dissolved).
You will receive the basic Labuan company information within an hour (during our business day) by email from us AT NO COST! Contact us today.
Request for a Letter of Information from Labuan FSA
If you’re looking for more than just the basic information on a Labuan company, then a Letter of Information (“LOI”) is suitable for you. The LOI is an official company extract document issued electronically by Labuan FSA at a fee.
You need to first obtain the director’s written consent and present it to us before we can apply the LOI from Labuan FSA. The LOI will contain the following details –
· Company name;
· Company number;
· Date of incorporation;
· List of directors and secretaries ;
· Company’s total number of shares issued;
· Shareholders’ details with number of shares held;
· Registered office address;
· Nature of business; and
· Charges
Salient feature of the LOI is the ability to customise the company information to suit the requirements set out by the person who requests for the LOI.
Fee is USD200
Timescale to obtain an LOI from Labuan FSA is 5 business days
Express application is available! Add USD300 and you can obtain the LOI in 1 business day
Obtain for an Entity Profile from Labuan FSA
Like Letter of Information, the Entity Profile is another official company extract electronically issued by Labuan FSA but unlike LOI, the Entity Profile is a document that contains all the same information as LOI’s, and you can’t choose to exclude any information from the extract document. Director’s written consent must first be obtained before making an application to Labuan FSA.
Fee is USD200
Timescale to obtain an Entity Profile document from Labuan FSA is 5 business days
Express application is available! Add USD300 and you can obtain the document in 1 business day
Letter of Good Standing
A Letter of Good Standing (“LOGS”) is mostly sought for use in situations like for bank account opening application, registering a new business entity in another jurisdiction, or simply when entering into a business venture or contract with a third party.
You must first obtain the director’s written consent before making the LOGS application with Labuan FSA.
Fee is USD200
Timescale to obtain a Letter of Good Standing from Labuan FSA is 5 business days
Express application is available! Add USD300 and you can obtain the letter in 1 business day
Letter of Charge
When a Labuan company applies for a loan with a bank or any type of lenders, typically, the bank or lender will request some form of security over the loan. Under the Labuan Companies Act 1990, it is mandatory for a Labuan company to register a charge affecting property of the company with Labuan FSA, and it must be done within one month after the execution of instrument of charge.
Usually, the bank or the lender would want to see if the charge has been properly registered and recorded at the Company Registry, Labuan FSA. And a Letter of Charge confirming this exercise can be applied from Labuan FSA to include as part of the loan’s supporting documents.
Letter of Charge is issued electronically by Labuan FSA and will contain details of the charge created by the Labuan company –
· Charge creation date;
· Instrument creating or evidencing the charge;
· Properties securing the charge;
· Amount secured by the charge; and
· Person/organisation entitled to the charge
The usual director’s written consent must first be obtained before applying for the Letter of Charge from Labuan FSA.
Fee is USD200
Timescale to obtain a Letter of Charge from Labuan FSA is 5 business days
Express application is available! Add USD300 and you can obtain the letter in 1 business day